Jul 19, 2017

C.I.B Bentley

Bentley's International (C.I.B ) Champion title has finally confirmed by FCI 😊 .
Now we have three Brookways with Int Ch title - both boys from A-litter, "Bentley" Brookway Academy Choice  and his brother "Kando" Brookway Applause Premiere and half-brother "Aston" Brookway Custom Made Aston 💖

Well done boys !!!

The Finnish Whippet Club's Speciality and Open Show June -17

It was THE big whippet weekend of the year again at beautiful Mustiala venue, two days , lots of whippets and friends :) .
This year I had two of my boys - Leevi and Bentley entered both days. And what made me specially happy was to see all puppies, age of 5,5 months,  from latest litter (P), on Saturday three of them and on Sunday all six. Thank you so much all the owners for participation !!

On Saturdays Speciality (127 whippets) our judges were :
Espen Engh, Norway (Jet's) puppies+males, Arnaldo Cotugno, Italy (Sobresalto) bitches.
On Sundays Open Show (80+ whippets) : Puppies and males Arnaldo Cotugno.

Veteran class
INT Ch Best-Looking Brooklyn "Leevi" EXC1, BOS-VETERAN in BOTH DAYS 😄
"Leevi". Photo Nathalie Jaclewicz

Champion class
INT CH Brookway Academy Choice "Bentley"
Speciality EXC CQ
Open no placement

Speciality Open class
CH Brookway Attitude On Carpet (Minca)  EXC-
"Minca" . Photo Nathalie Jaclewicz

Saturday baby-puppy class (6)
Brookway Peter Pan "Alpi" 2.HP
Brookway Pulp Fiction "Vincent" 3.
Brookway Pirate Sparrow "Possu"  4.

Sunday baby-puppy class (7+5) all puppies (18)
Brookway Pirate Sparrow BIS-baby and BIS-puppy!
Brookway Pulp Fiction 2
Brookway Peter Pan -
Brookway Phileas Fogg "Kaapo" -

Brookway PS I Love You "Mandi" 4
Brookway Pippi Longstockings "Fiia" -

"Possu" . Photo Anna Szapo

"Alpi" . Photo Jenna Eklöf

"Vincent". Photo Kati Kanerva

"Kaapo". Photo Kati Kanerva

"Mandi". Photo Kati Kanerva

"Fiia". Photo Kati Kanerva

Jun 19, 2017

Kotka Int Show

Great news from Kotka International Show 17.6.-17 ,
"Mina" Brookway Wearing Wang (Ch Play A While Mora Marknad x Tylko Ty Whitingly White Cloud) went Best Bitch-3  with res-CAC!
Judge was Colm Hastings, Ireland.

Huge congrats to owner Pirjo Löfgren, you go girls 💖 !!!

Photo: Pirjo Löfgren

New Champion!

We have a new Brookway Champion!
10.6.-17 at Tuuri Show "Minca" Brookway Attitude On Carpet (Ch Leyendas Spongebobsquarepants x Ch Silentkaze Endlessentertainment)
went Best Bitch 1 and BOS and finished her Finnish Champion title, and is Latvian Ch also now 😃. Judge was Jussi Liimatainen FI.

She is the 3rd champion out of five in Brookway A-litter, joined her brothers Bentley and Kando, I'm very proud of the whole litter 💖

Huge congrats to Minca's owner Emilia Ukkonen, you have done a great job with her and I'm grateful for our cooperation 😃

photo: Jaana Jyläntö

Feb 13, 2017


Aika kuluu hurjaa vauhtia ja pennut täyttävät jo kuusi viikkoa huomenna tiistaina. Kaikki ovat eloisia ja paksuja viikareita, vauhtia riittää ja ruoka maittaa, ulkonakin on säiden lauhduttua käyty ihmettelemässä 😃
Tulevana lauantaina onkin sitten aika piipahtaa eläinlääkärissä terveystarkissa ja saamassa sirut.

Toinen tytöistä ja yksi poika etsivät vielä omaa kotia - lisätietoja pentueesta Pentuja-sivulla ja tietysti ottamalla minuun yhteyttä kerron mielelläni lisää jutta.parkkonen@gmail.com .

Tyttö Brookway Pippi Longstockings etsii omaa rakastavaa ja vinttikoirahenkistä kotia 💖