Jan 31, 2010

Jipii, vain -5 pakkasta!

Vihdoin epäwipukkamaisen jäätävän jakson jälkeen sää lauhtui niin että päästiin koko perheen voimin pitkälle metsälenkille. Isäntä jopa kameran kera.
Pojilla, Sulolla ja Leevillä virtaa riitti, hienoa oli taas ihailla niiden spurttailua. Etenkin Sulo rautapolvineen ja muine kolotuksineen on kärsinyt hyisestä säästä, mutta ei tänään!

Leevi haastoi Sulon kisaan ja Sulo Sinnikäshän otti haasteen vastaan...

Leevi johtaa, Sulo vasta lämmittelee...

Täältä tullaan, odotas vaan...

Sulo kirii, varmistaa ohituspaikkaa...

Täältä tullaan, pois alta kepit ja juniorit...!

Ja näin, tyylikäs ohitus ulkokaarteen kautta!

Voittajan poseeraus a`la Sulo Salama. Ei uskoisi tätä poikaa mikään vaivaavan.

Ja lopuksi jäniskevennys. Etsi kuvasta whippet...

Jan 25, 2010

Leevi´s year 2009

The Finnish Whippet Clubs whippet of the year competition results has been published.
Leevi Ch Best-Looking Brooklyn was 4th Best Male!

In 2008 at this same competition Leevi was placed 3rd Best Male.
After these two hectic years of competing Leevi is still going strong. This year we mainly head to abroad and hopefully gain missing cacibs for finishig his C.I.B. title.
We are looking foreward what the future holds for us and hope to see Leevis children in the rings this year!

I´m so happy to tell that Leevis father Hupi Ch Twyborn Philadelphia was 2nd best progeny male in Best Progeny Whippet competition!
Huge hugs to Hupi and Anita!

I want to thank all the judges who have recognized this sweet boy of mine! I could not be more proud of him!

Jan 19, 2010

Magic of winter

This is our local new modern chirch. It really clows in the dark. In front is very big grazing ground for the horses in summertime. All this only 300m from our town centre!

And here is the home of the horses who heal themselves next to the church. There is also chikens and cows here and locals can buy fresh eggs, milk, home made bread and so...Again this lovely place only 300m from town centre and the same from my house!

Beautifull trees in our evening walk.

Finnish people have enjoyed the most beautifull winter this year. Even southern parts of the country we haven`t had this much snow in years. Nature gives it`s best, everything is white and clean and specially now when there is thik frost on everything.

Short days and little light in wintertime are the dark side of the season. But now specially in the evenig snow and frost gives the effect like there is millions of little lights on everything and everywhere. It´s like magic!